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This user manual guides you through the main features and configuration of TermSuite. Please see the Javadoc for additional information about TermSuite, or clone the source repository.

About Termsuite

TermSuite is a software developed at the University of Nantes, by the research lab LS2N, UMR 6004 CNRS. TermSuite is currently supported by the French National Research Agency (CNRS) under grant ANR-10-IDEX-0004-02 and contributes to the project ISTEX, led by INIST.

TermSuite is the Open Source and UIMA-based application drawn out from the European project TTC Terminology Extraction, Translation Tools and Comparable Corpora and under development within the national project TERMITH Terminology and indexation in Humanities, first supported by the French CNRS under grant ANR-12-CORD-0029.

TermSuite extracts monolingual terminologies and generates bilingual dictionaries from these terminologies by the means of distributional and compositional methods.
The languages covered are: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Latvian, Chinese and Russian.


If you have any question about TermSuite or encounter any problem, please provide a short report to us on Github issues. Or if you do not have any Github account, please address it to us by email. We will try our best to give a quick reply to your request.

Please provide us with the following information:
- your OS (with its version number),
- your java runtime environment (java -version),
- the log file provided by TermSuite (under the current ./logs/ directory),
- a short description of the problem you encounter.