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In TermSuite, alignment is the process of grouping together terms that share the most similar contexts. There exist two sorts of alignment in TermSuite:

Contextualization: building context vectors

Context scope

The scope of a context for a term T is the number of words occurring just before T left and just after T.

Example with the following sentence:

Data were acquired with the blades rotating at zero yaw, for a range of wind speeds.

When the scope is 1, the context of term “wind” is {range: 1, speed: 1}.

When the scope is 2, the context of term “wind” is {yaw: 1, range: 1, speed: 1}.

Note 1: co-terms in context vector are lemmatized.

Note 2: determiners and propositions are skipped when computed context’s scope.

Normalization of context vectors

The idea behind normalization is two lower the impact of co-terms that appear in multiple context vectors.

Given two terms T1 and T2, having respectively {co-term1: 2, co-term2: 1, co-term3: 2} and {co-term1: 1, co-term2: 1, co-term4: 3} as their context vectors, we can observe that:

  • co-term2 is not very specific to either T1 nor T2 as it appears in both contexts with the same distribution (frequency=1),
  • co-term1 is a bit more specific to T1 than T2 as it appears twice in T1’s context and only once in T2’s,
  • co-term3 is very specific to T1 as it appears twice in its context and is absent of T2’s,
  • co-term4 is even more specific to T2 as it appears three times in its context and is absent of T1’s.

Two normalization algorithms are available in TermSuite for context vector normalization:

  1. LogLikelyhood
  2. MutualInformation

General alignment methods

Methods described in this section applies on bilingual alignment and monolingual alignment.

In general, alignment requires:

Distributional alignment

Distributional alignment is the process of computing the closeness of two terms based on the similarity of their normalized context vectors.

Distributional alignment applies on single-word terms only, ie. on length-1 terms.

There are two context vector similarity measures currently implemented in TermSuite:

Compositional alignment

Compositional alignment applies on length-2 terms, ie. on terms composed of two words, like wind energy, breast cancer, chemotherapy (chemo + therapy, see the special case of compound words), etc.

Note: Determiners and propositions are ignored when computing the term’s length. For example, the term energy of the wind is length-2 because of and the are ignored.

Say the term to align is made of word1 and word2. In TermSuite’s compositional alignment algorithm:

  1. TermSuite gets C1, the set of all length-1 alignment candidates for word1 from dictionary,
  2. TermSuite gets C2, the set of all length-1 alignment candidates for word2 from dictionary,
  3. TermSuite combines all length-1 candidates from C1 and C2 to produce the set C=C1xC2 of all length-2 alignment candidates that occur in target terminology,
  4. TermSuite scores and ranks the candidates in C.
The maximum number of alignment candidates is * C1 x C2 . If any of *word1 or word2 has no entry in dictionary, then there can be no alignment candidate and the compositional method fails.

** Example: ** Translation of term wind power from english to french with compositional method.

  1. word1=wind, C1={vent, souffle, gaz}
  2. word2=power, C2={énergie, puissance, vertu}
  3. The combination of C1 and C2 give 9 candidates but only énergie du vent and puissance du vent exist in target terminology. C={énergie du vent, puissance du vent}
  4. If candidates are ranked according to their target frequency or specificity, then the best candidate is énergie du vent.

About target candidates ranking, see this publication. Currently, the default target candidate ranking strategy is by decreasing specificity.

Semi-distributional alignment

Like compositional alignment, semi-distributional alignment applies on length-2 terms only. Semi-distributional alignment works in a very similar manner to compositional alignment.

The only difference lies at step 2, where alignment candidates for word2 are computed with the distributional method instead of from the dictionary. Step 1 (word1 candidates computation), step 3 (combination), and step 4 (ranking) stay unchanged. Symmetrically, we could apply the distributional alignment on word1 and leave steps 2, 3, and 4 unchanged.

Usually, the distributionnal method has lower performances in terms of precision than the compositional method. It is invoked in TermSuite as a fallback when one of the two words is missing from the dictionary. When both term’s words are missing from dictionary, it would be theoriticallay feasible to apply a pure distributionnal alignment, but the precision is too low. It is not implemented.

Aligning longer terms (length > 2)

Longer terms are aligned recursively.

If length is n, the term is of the form T=word1 word2 … wordn. There are n-1 alternatives for splitting T in two smaller-size terms:
* alternative 1: T’=word1 and T”=word2 … wordn
* alternative 2: T’=word1 word2 and T”=word3 … wordn
* …
* alternative n-1: T’=word1 word2 … wordn-1 and T”=wordn.

For each splitting alternative i:
1. TermSuite produces:
* candidate set C’ by aligning T’ with the compositional method or with the semi-distributional method if the compositional is not appliable.
* candidate set C” from T” likewise.
2. TermSuite produces candidate set Ci by combining C’ and C” in a similar manner than step 3 of compositional method.

Finally, TermSuite produce the final candidate set C = C1 U C1 U … U Cn-1 and ranks C in a similar manner than step 4 of compositional method.

Aligning compound terms

A compound term is a single-word term composed of at least two different words. For example, the term windpower is composed of wind+power.

Size-2 compounds

Aligning a size-2 compound term like windpower is a four-step process:

  1. producing the candidate set C1 by aligning windpower as a regular single-word term (ignoring its composition) with the help of the dictionary or with the [distributional][#distributional] method,
  2. producing the candidate set C2 by aligning windpower as a length-2 term with word1=wind and word2=power, with the compositional method or with the semi-distributional method as fallback.
  3. producing the candidate set C=C1 U C2,
  4. ranking C (cf. step 4 of compositional method).
Size-n compounds, n>2

If the compound term is made of at least three words, as it often happens in german (eg. windenergienutzung=wind+energie+nutzung), the same principle applies on four different candidate set. For the sake of simplicity, we denote T=A+B+C, where A, B, and C are the sub-words:

  1. Candidate set C1 obtained by aligning the term T as a single-word term.
  2. Candidate sets C2’ and C2” obtained by aligning the term ABC as a size-2 compound as in previous section. C2’ is obtained by assuming that T is made of the two words A+BC, C2” is obtained by assuming that T is made of the two words AB+C.
  3. Candidate set C3 obtained by aligning the term T as a size-3 compound A+B+C, by applying the alignment algorithm for length-n terms on word1=A, word2=B, and word3=C.

Finally, We make the union candidate set C = C1 U C2’ U C2” U C3 and rank it as usual.

The table below gives all the possible composition patterns for alignment depending on the actual composition size.

Composition size Actual composition pattern List of candidate composition patterns
1 A {A}
2 AB {AB, A+B}
3 ABC {ABC, AB+C, A+BC, A+B+C}

Generalization to all types of terms of all lengthes

The most general and most difficult situation to handle is the case when the term to align has a length > 1 and at least of its words is a compound. For example offshore windpower is a length-2 term made of simple word offshore and compound word wind+power.

Suppose we have a length-3 term A+B C D+E+F, ie word1 is the compound A+B, word2 is the simple word C, and word3 is the compound word D+E+F.

As illustrated in the table of candidates composition patterns, we have to consider the following composition alternatives:

# word1 word2 word3
4 C AB D+E+F
6 A+B C DE+F
7 A+B C D+EF
8 A+B C D+E+F

For each of these composition alternatives, we get all its components and apply [length-n algorithm][#length-n] on them, as if they would all form one regular length-n term (ie. having no compound words).

For example, with alternative 7, we consider we a length-5 term T=A B C D EF.

Note: The resulting complexity of this overall algorithm might look very expensive but in practice:

  1. every exepensive sub-alignment invocation can be cached and reused very quickly for other combinations,
  2. there are very few terms of interest with such length and complexity of composition.

Bilingual alignment methods (term translation)

Bilingual alignment is the process of finding the best translation candidates of a source term in a target language.


It requires:

  • a source terminology where terms have been contextualized,
  • a target terminology where terms have been contextualized,
  • a bilingual dictionary from source language to target language.

Translation of source term’s context vector

The translation of a source term into a target language works as described in the general case, but the similarity of the source and target vectors is not an easy problem since they contain words from different languages.

Let’s denote:
* Ts the source term to translate,
* V={co-term1: 2, co-term2: 5, co-term3: 1} its context vector.

In order to be able to apply our similarity measures on context vectors, we translate the source context vector V into V’ as follows. For each co-term t in V, we get the set of all candidate translations C for t from the dictionary.

  • If C is empty, then the co-term could not be found in the dictionary and we skip it in V’.
  • If C has exactly one element ct’, we put ct’ with the same frequency in V’.
  • If C has several elements, we use the frequency to distribute the original frequency of co-term ct among all candidate translations for this co-term.

Example Let’s suppose that:

  • the source language is en,
  • the target language is fr,
  • the source context vector is {wind: 3, blade:1, darius:2}
  • the dictionary contains the following entries:
wind  vent
wind  gaz
wind  air
blade pâle
  • the frequencies in target terminology are:
vent: 17
pâle: 12

Then the translation of context vector gives:

  • for co-term wind: {vent: 3*17/24, air: 3*5/24, gaz: 3*2/24}
  • for co-term blade: {pâle: 1*12/12}
  • for co-term darius: {}

The final translated source context vector is {vent: 2.13, air: 0.25, gaz: 0.63, pâle: 1}

Monolingual alignment methods (synonym detection)

Monolingual alignment is the process of finding the best candidate synonyms of a term in a terminology.


It requires:

  • a source terminology where terms have been contextualized,
  • a dictionary of synonyms.

Synonym detection algorithm

Every methods described in the general case could be applied on synonym detection but in order to reduce the time computation and increase the precision, we limit the search for synonyms to:

  • length-2 terms,
  • having the same syntactic pattern,
  • sharing at least one term in common.

To configure this process so as it adapts the best to each supported language, a language-specific list of synonymic variant rules is defined.

Example: The following rule finds length-2 synonyms having the pattern A N by fixing the first word (s[0]==t[0]) and looking for synonyms between the two second words (synonym(t[1],s[1])). The A is called the fixed part of the synonimic rule because it must be the same in the two terms and the N is called the synonimic part.

  source: A N
  target: A N
  rule: s[0]==t[0] && synonym(t[1],s[1])

For each synonymic rule defined, TermSuite applies the following algorithm:

  • select all terms having the syntactic pattern required (here: A N) into a set named C1,
  • group terms in C1 by their fixed part (here we group the terms whenever they have the same first word because we have s[0]==t[0]),
  • in each group, ie set a synonym score to every pair of terms (t1,t2) in the group based on the synonimic part. In the example rule above, the synonimic part of the rule is the second word, so we compare for each pair their second words (their N). Let’s name w1 the second word of t1 and w2 the second word of t2:
    • compute the distributional similarity between the context vector of w1 and the context vector of w2,
    • add 0.5 to that score if the pair w1-w2 is present in the dictionary.
  • finally, for all pairs in the group having a score above given threshold that depends on the language (see language configuration file), set a semantic variation.