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The list of variation rules is the linguistic resource used by the TermGatherer engine. The TermGatherer is composed of several sub-engines, each specialized in the gathering a special king of term variation: morphological variations, prefixations, etc.

All sub-engines used the same list of gathering rules as input, but each one selects in this list only the rules it is able to process. For example, the PrefixationGatherer takes as input only the prefixation rules.

Syntax of a variant rule

A variant rule is always composed of four parts:

  1. the rule name,
  2. the source pattern,
  3. the target pattern,
  4. the rule expression.

It must be written in YAML, i.e. as key-value tree structure using a sequence of two escape characters ` ` as nesting syntax. The variantion rule must use the following template:

"rule name":
  source: ...
  target: ...
  rule: ...


  source: A N
  target: N N
  rule: s[0].stem==t[0].stem && s[1]==t[1]

The rule above is named S-R1Eg-AN-N. It describes the gathering of two terms whenever:

  • the first term (the source term) has the syntactic pattern A N, i.e. it must be an adjective followed by a noun. (See patterns for more information about patterns)
  • The second term (the target term) has the pattern N N, i.e. it must be a noun followed by a noun.(See patterns for more information about patterns)
  • the first words (s[0] and t[0]) of both terms have the same stem, and the second words of both terms (s[1] and t[1]) have the same lemma.

For example, this rule gathers the source term thyroïdal cancer with the target term tyroid cancer.

The syntactic patterns: source, target

The source (resp. target) key gives the list of syntactic patterns allowed for the source term (resp. target term). A syntactic pattern is a sequence of syntactic labels separated with a space. For example:

  • the pattern A N stands for a adjective followed by a noun, like in thyroïdal cancer.
  • the pattern N stands for just one noun, like cancer, energy.
  • the pattern N P A N stands for one noun, followed by one preprosition, followed by one adjective, followed by one noun, like level of environmental noise.

In the case several pattern alternatives are allowed, they must be separated with a ,. For example, source: A N, N N indicates that the source term can be either a noun or or an adjective, followed by a noun.

The list of syntactic labels (N, A, P…) allowed in pattern definition is directly dependent on the muti-word term detection engine, which operates before variant gathering in the terminology extraction pipeline, and more precisely on the linguistic resource used as input of this engine: the UIMA Tokens Regex resource file. the list of available syntactic labels as the matcher names in this resource. For example in english (see the english term spotting rules), the allowed labels are: Prep, P1, P, A, N, C, R, D.

Although the allowed labels can be different for each language, we tried to obey these conventions:

  • P stands for a preposition,
  • A stands for an adjective,
  • N stands for a noun,
  • C stands for a coordination, (and, or)
  • R stands for an adverb,
  • D stands for a determiner.

The tag [compound]

The tag [compound] can be appended to the source (resp. target) pattern definition of morphological rules. This tag gives an indication to the gathering engine that the source term has to be a compound.

Appending this tag is optional in the sense that the gathering engine would do the job anyway, but it is strongly advised to append it whenever possible because it reduces the source search space to compound terms only, which greatly improves the performance. It is almost mandatory for single-word terms because there are a lot of them.

For example:

  source: N [compound]
  target: N N, A N
  rule: s[0][0]==t[0] && s[0][1]==t[1]

The rule above gathers n: windmill with nn: wind mill, n: horizontal-axis with an: horizontal-axis. See Morphological rules for more information.

The expression rule

The key rule defines a boolean expression that words in source and target terms must satisfy.

  • s[i] denotes the (i+1)th word in the source term. t[i] denotes the (i+1)th word in the target term.
  • When is a compound word, s[i][j] denotes the (j+1)th component of word s[i]. When s[i] is not a compound, invoking s[i][j] would just make the expression return false. Idem with t[i][j].
  • The lemma of the word s[i] is denoted as s[i].lemma, but s[i] alone returns the value of s[i].lemma by default. Idem with t[i].lemma, but t[i].
  • The stem of the word s[i] is denoted as s[i].stem, idem with t[i].stem.
  • s[i].compound returns true if s[i] is compound, idem with t[i].compound.

Expression operators allowed are == (string equality) and != (string inequality). Members of equality/inequality operators can ben either words (eg. s[i]), or words compounds (eg. s[i][j]), or pure string (eg. "foo").

Boolean operators allowed are && and ||. Expressions can be composed with the help of parentheses ( and ).


A rule gathering Savonius rotor with rotor of type Savonius:

  source: N N
  target: N P N N, N P A N
  rule: s[0]==t[3] && ( s[1]==t[0] || s[1]==t[2] )

A rule gathering `generator voltage` with `voltage and frequency of generator`:

source: N N
target: N C N P N
rule: s[0]==t[4] && s[1]==t[0] && t[3]==”of”

A rule gathering thyroïdal cancer with thyroid cancer:

  source: A N
  target: N N
  rule: s[0].stem==t[0].stem && s[1]==t[1]

Types of variant rule

Basic rule

A basic rule, or syntagmatic rule, is such a rule defining constrains on the source and target terms with no other specific linguistics features.

Morphological rules

A morphological rule is a rule that makes use of either:

  • the tag [compound],
  • or any component’s lemma with s[i][j] or t[i][j].

Morphological rules are gathered by the MorphologicalGatherer sub-engine.


This rule gathers n: windmill with nn: wind mill:

  source: N [compound]
  target: N N, A N
  rule: s[0][0]==t[0] && s[0][1]==t[1]

Prefixation rules

A prefixation rule is a rule that makes use of the method prefix(a,b). This method returns true if word a is a prefixation of word b.

Prefixation rules are gathered by the PrefixationGatherer sub-engine.


This rule gathers an: synchronous machine with an: asynchronous machine:

  source: A N
  target: A N
  rule: s[1]==t[1] && prefix(t[0], s[0])

Derivation rules

A derivation rule is a rule that makes use of the method deriv(drule, a, b). This method returns true if word a derives into b according to derivation rule drule.

The derivation rule drule is a string made of two syntactic labels, e.g. "A N", meaning the word a is an adjective that is derived into a noun. For each supported language, TermSuite knows that a word is a derivation of another word thanks to a list of suffix derivation rules. See the list for french. Such atomic derivations, i.e. derivations between simple words (not terms), are detected before the TermGatherer in the pipeline, by the MorphologicalSplitter.

Derivation (between terms) are gathered by the DerivationGatherer sub-engine.


In french, the following rule gathers npn: phase du stator with na: phase statorique:

  source: N P N
  target: N A
  rule: s[0]==t[0] && deriv("N A", s[2], t[1])

Synonymic rules

A synonymic rule is a rule that makes use of the method synonym(a, b). This method returns true if word a is detected to be a synonym of word b.

A synonymic rule must satisfy the following structural constraints:

  1. the source pattern and target pattern’s length must be 2,
  2. the source pattern must be equal to the target pattern,
  3. the rule expression must have exactly one fixed part, i.e. s[0]==t[0] or s[1]==t[1],
  4. the rule expression must have exactly one synonym part, i.e. synonym(s[0],t[0]) or synonym(s[1],t[1]),

Semantic variations between terms are gathered by the SemanticGatherer sub-engine.


This rule gathers an: rotational speed with an: rotational velocity:

  source: A N
  target: A N
  rule: s[0]==t[0] && synonym(t[1],s[1])

Examples of variant rules

You can download and adapt the existing list of variant rules embedded in TermSuite for every supported languages.

English English variant rules
French French variant rules
German German variant rules
Spanish Spanish variant rules
Russian Russian variant rules
Italian Italian variant rules